Last modified on 21/12/2024 (Today) 10:58 by FogBugz.
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Moved ...Last edited by User on 8/4/2014 08:36moved to git hub
Moved to ...Last edited by User on 8/4/2014 08:31moved to github
This wiki is terrible so now the text is hosted into ...Last edited by User on 8/4/2014 05:57move to git
This page keeps a log of the actions performed over the versions of Pharo: 3.0 ...Last edited by User on 27/3/2014 09:30
As of version #10343, Pharo is MIT license clean. Instructions to produce a ...Last edited by User on 24/9/2013 00:29
Pharo 1.3 résulte de nombreuses modifications visant à améliorer les parties ...Last edited by User on 24/9/2013 00:29
This article has not been written.Created by User on 18/3/2013 05:52
Pharo 1.2 Le projet Pharo est fier d'annoncer la sortie de Pharo 1.2 - ...Created by User on 18/3/2013 05:49Formatted
Pharo 1.3 saw a lot of changes to improve important part of the systems. We are ...Last edited by User on 15/3/2013 12:58Remove a leading empty line
All in all, there were over 860 issues treated in the issue ...Created by User on 15/3/2013 12:53Import from google issue tracker wiki